
Shot in the hills behind Ocean Mesa Campground outside Santa Barbara, CA.
Stacked my 70-200 f/2.8 on top of my Nikon 1.7x teleconverter.

Lightroom Workflow:
*Import from SD card.  Apply standard copyright metadata and typical keywords (author, camera body used, etc).
*Apply low-ISO preset.  This is a combo of sharpening, noise-reduction, and a few other tweaks that I find make a good starting point with shots that are under ISO 400.
*Crop square.  I knew I wanted a strong diagonal composition, but I didn't know how well it would fit the square crop until I looked at in the Crop module.
*Adjust exposure for the bulk of the frame.  I think I knocked down the Dxposure by 0.1 stops and boosted the Recovery a bit.  The central (focal) flower bud was blown out, so that led me to...
*Brush -1.5 stop exposure adjustment on central flower bud.
*Boost contrast.  By now I knew it was going Black and White, and it told me to go high-contrast (no, really!).
*Convert to Black and White.  Here's the special sauce:  Used the Luminosity Targeted Adjustment Tool (TAT) on a middle-color in the background and dragged DOWN.  That ended up decreasing the Orange and Red luminosities by a bit, and ended up really making the light-colored foreground pop out.
*Add post-crop vignette to further "pop" the subjects.

Comments and questions welcome!